Dear Friends
It’s been several years since I put out a newsletter. I was working with my coaching school and private practice and had started internet marketing school.All of us have had a lot that has happened, and especially including this covid period. Zoom has become the new normal for meetings, business, family connections and “community” talks.
Allow me to update everyone...this reads like a Christmas newsletter:)

I met the artist and actor, Bob Womack, fell in love and moved to Hollywood in 2011. I was invited to be Bob Womack of Raw Sak Studio’s media and public relations agent. I lived in his Hollywood studio for 7 years. Some of you had seen his artwork as he allowed some of the paintings be exhibited in our coaching booth the workshops to be displayed. Several of you had actually visited the one- of -a- kind studio that he shared with his partner, Steve Kaufman for 20 years. It was a piece of artwork itself. In addition, this studio held the enormous volume of artwork that was stored as the world center home of Steve Kaufman Art. I asked him to paint me as the Good Witch Glinda in Oz and so it has become my "trademark" piece.

Bob started doing his own individual artwork after Steve had passed. Among his many pieces was a painting of the Obama family which was hung in the White House along with a personal letter of thanks from Michelle and Barack Obama.

I was excited to have met Stan Lee as one of the last people Bob honored with his work. He had done many of the Marvel paintings before Stan passed as he was a close friend of the family as well. The last one was of Stan on the Hollywood walk of stars with the many cameo’s he had done personally in his movies. His wife wanted it to be placed over their couch at home and not at the office. ( I must brag as I am proud of Bob’s prolific and fabulous work).

He decided to sell the studio in Hollywood and move to Las Vegas these last 2 years and create a gallery there. I decided to move back to Carlsbad, CA while my grandchildren were being raised and Bob and I could commute for a while. He does occasional acting as well as being on a recent episode of the “Pawn Stars” selling some of his huge collection of Steve Kaufman paintings.


Skateboard ready to be shipped
My coaching school had great success. The coaches decided upon graduating that we would form a coaching organization. This lasted 10 years. I certainly learned a great deal for which I am forever grateful. I never advertised and I didn’t continue the school.

Our Recovery Coaches

Recently the last of my coaches ended naturally by moving to different parts of the country including Florida, Montana and Sacramento to pursue other passions and interests. One of my coaches, Burt Lo, passed away sadly from a cancerous tumor leaving his 5-year-old son and family. My best friend and “older brother” in the program, Jerry Cullins, also passed away recently after an extended illness. He helped me with my practice, teaching and my coaching program and will be greatly missed.
My “famous” TheraPoodle, Aslyn, was not happy with my move to Carlsbad and had “retired when I moved to Hollywood.”. He wanted to live with Bob in his new studio in Las Vegas after he experienced the freedom of “being wild” in the Hollywood studio. While in the studio, he took on racoons, possums and unwanted feral cats. He quietly passed at 14 years while sleeping in his bed recently. He is sorely missed as anyone knows who has loved a special pet.

Another loss I experienced was the passing of my AL anon sponsor and dear friend, Barbara Cooper, at 90 plus. She was known as “the Heart Lady” and had 2 books of stories her daughter compiled of this spiritual woman as she passed out her handmade construction hearts to everyone she met over the many years she was in Alanon (42 years). Her daughter, Karen, will continue her work:)

Don C shares as the other half of the shared Alanon Speaker's Meeting

New Book signing of "the Heart Lady"
This natural ending of the coaching association came around the time of my move back to Carlsbad. I worked part time at a private treatment rehabilitation center as the head therapist for the center, supervised an LCSW intern and developed the outpatient program for about 2 years. During this time, I also served as education chair of the newly forming SOAP (Society of Addiction Professionals) until I stepped down. In addition to my private practice which I have maintained since 1987, I also went back into nursing. I was doing Hospice Pediatric work when I realized I am not able to physically do that work anymore. (It was a great reality check since I am now 66 but, in my mind, I am still 30)
I worked at the North County Crisis and Intervention Response Team as an LMFT but since they needed full time therapists instead of part time therapists, I moved on. I also learned a great deal in each of these roles. At present, I am working 1 day a week in La Mesa,CA with Dr. Chad Hybarger’s “Family Therapy Institute” with Medi-Cal families as an LMFT and have been since October 2019.
About a year ago, I had another close brush with death. I was supposed to go to Mexico with Bob for a long-needed vacation. 1 day before I ended up with an emergency gall bladder surgery. I am so grateful for the immediate medical care I have access to here. My daughter created a go fund me account as I was out of work for a while as I recuperated in her home.
Those of you who attended one of my workshops or where my coaches and I attended may remember we raffled prizes most of which were my flowered glassware. I have continued that hobby and am proud to say even Bob Womack says it’s “quite good”. High praise from this artist!!!

I am continuing to produce my e-books including the last one, “When Caring isn’t Enough” which I am happy to report was endorsed by the County Supervisor, Kristen Gaspar. I also did a talk for the SOAP organization on Intervention and created an e-book on that talk for free called "Intervention: A Perspective" on my website

My other e-books are available at Amazon and Kindle. Click here to check them out
For my book "Feeling Terrific" cowritten by Dr.Damluji and Renee Sievert RN LMFT click here

My mentor, Tom Antion, who is also the founder of the Great Internet Marketing School in Virginia Beach, just had a documentary completed on his life called “The Great American Entrepreneur”. This internet marketing school is the only independent internet marketing school and is run by people who make a living doing this as a business.

Although the school has been my greatest challenge yet, I am still working on it and am halfway through it. He asked me to do a video for his school for the “seniors” to encourage them. I probably have the award taking the longest time to go through his school. I think part of this challenge is that I did not “grow up” with computers, so it takes me longer. Who knows? It could be my perception and mindset.
As you know, internet is the future and my learning this internet marketing is vital to my business, most especially now. So, I am grateful to my teachers, including Travis, who helps me weekly with my website and school.
Not surprisingly, my greatest joy has come from my grandchildren. During the beginning of the shutdown for the pandemic, my daughter decided to go on a hike with her family and include me. The only difference is that we “don’t touch” gramma since “we might make her sick”. (Good explanation for the 3-year-old for social distancing). Indie decided to lag behind after leading the hike until] he thought he and Gramma were out of earshot of mom. He challenged me to “ touch him” as he held out his elbow to me. My daughter, however, has eyes and ears in the back of her head and caught him. It seems rebelliousness runs in the family and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. When we were finally able to “touch” each other, which seemed forever, I got the biggest and best hug from him that I will always remember.

During COVID time, I have been blessed with helping another intern, MSW, with her hours through Walden University, Sarah Tipton. When I worked with Jennifer Radford, last year, she finished her internship,graduated, left to Oregon, was hired by a middle school as a counselor, and recenlty got engaged, Very exciting times to be able to participate in their lives this way.
As part of my community service, I had been giving talks to senior centers,women's clubs, and parenting groups. Due to COVID, we all had to get creative to deliver messages. The Rancho Santa Fe Senior Center is now doing online learning and I am one of their speakers listed I am happy to report.Check it out.
My greatest joy lately has been unexpectedly asked to partner in business with Glenn Heaton of the Chill Sessions. He is in Australia and was audio/visual producer and composer as well as sound tech for Disney in Australia and now has a marketing business in Perth. Currently, Glenn’s music is licensed to many users, and ABC Music has just released 3 albums under their ‘Atmosphere’ label. Glenn has also been able to combine his business with his love of business, by composing the music for and mixing David Koch’s TV programs: My Business TV and Kochie’s Business Builders. Over the years, we have formed a great friendship. When the pandemic hit, now that this had become world wide, he wanted to know if we could produce an audio for everyone. His job also includes being the teacher at a girl’s school in Australia in the graphics/media department and he said his girls were very frightened by this pandemic. So, we created anxiety meditations specifically for this pandemic to help everyone. Again, free on my website. You'll be hearing more as we develop our new products:)

We actually “zoomed” for the first time and I “met” him virtually. He asked if I would partner with him in the business of The Chill Sessions, for which I am most honored. He has always been a visionary and one of the reasons I joined the internet marketing school. Basically, we would continue to produce audios on relaxation, meditation and mindfulness as well as educate through our audios. We will include schools, healers of all kinds including therapists like me, and either train them or produce for them these audios that will get the message out to the world.
Lastly I wanted to mention I completed my training at Scripp's Green Hospital for Healing Hands for Nurses. We had so many nurses, nurse practisioners and physicians in that class. Along with my hypnotherapy, I feel more completed in my healing knowledge. The energy work we did was taught by a full time nurse/instructor who regularly assists with surgeries at Scripp's Green hospital and has worked with the military for years. Who knew? I have been greatly influenced by the work of Dr. Delores Fazzino who also does this work in Orange County hospitals as she assists in surgery and teaches young (and older) surgeons and nurses with her energy work. We have come along way with healing!!

I feel like the Phoenix as we are coming up out of the ashes.
Thanks for listening to this summary. I hope to serve you all in a better way by this venture.
Until then, be safe and find the silver lining during this “Time Out” for the world. And let's have the heart of a little child...This picture of my grandson, Eden, says it all.

Hello Michele! So nice to hear about what you have been doing. You are truly an inspiration to me. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I’m very happy to let you know I am still clean and sober. I learned so much from you and cherish all that you taught me.
You were correct, I have helped and worked with many in my congregations. Addiction I’d a terrible disease and the time we are living in doesn’t make it easy to control. I try my best be be a good example and help those who ask for it.
Michele, are you still taking private individuals in therapy? And are you working with the doctor you mentioned that works. works with med-ical?
I have so much I could talk to you about my family. I am a great-grandma 3X!!! Drinking is a big problem in my family. I hear your voice in my head “ No profit is excepted in his home territory.” I do my best.
Well, that’s just a little Synopsis of what’s been going on in my world so glad you put this email out I hope everything is well keep safe congratulations on your grandbabies love you Kathy
Soooo nice to hear from you, Kathy. Yes I am seeing privately individuals in therapy and one day a week in La Mesa I see Medi-cal families. So glad you are carrying the message by your example. Sounds wonderful with your grandkids…they make like so much more worthwhile. Glad my voice still echoes in your mind and please feel free to reach out and say hi in the future:)
Michele, you are a Force of Nature! You are an inspiration to all who have had the privilege of knowing you (whether as a friend, a counselor, a coach, a business partner or a patient). Everything you do comes straight from the heart.
What a beautiful tribute from someone who has known me a very long time. Shannon, the wise one, I always call you.
Your letter is like a life review of the last ten years and it is wonderful that you shared it. I enjoyed it and your honest heartfelt approach. I am sad to hear that three have passed now some I knew, and Aslyn, I have good memories of his being present and therapy ready for Monday evening group sessions. Your life work and family and relationships show a women who has a full life. Your continuation with reaching into the future by being technology savvy all show your love for what you do and love for humanity in general. Life’s little detours also add to what makes us up and how we can help others in shared experiences- I also had the Gall Bladder thing pain and all recently. So Michele in conclusion, we (the world at large) need good solid therapist, of which I can contest you are, who have experience and solid direction. Our family continues to be grateful for having been under your guidance since 2008, in which we can say Therapy by Design continues to be an important touch point for our reality.
Best wishes for today and always.
Laura R.
Hi Laura
What a wonderful and humbling response to my review. It really matters that you feel I have done a good job and continue to do so. I know you have been part of my journey (happy that you remember Aslyn the Therapoodlewith such fond memories). I appreciate all that you said so much!!! Gall bladders…who knew they could cause such trouble!!! and Yes, technology the brave new frontier:)
shelly, I just read your 2015 newsletter and wow, you have been busy doing wonderful things to continue learning and helping others.
I was touched when reading what you wrote about Mom.
I do hope our paths cross again.
love, karen kalish